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Deal Management






  • Increase revenue by 2 to 3 percent with end customer and channel specific contract compliance and by eliminating overpayments to channels.
  • Dramatically reduce quote cycle time by setting profitable multi-channel deals with distribution partners and contract manufacturers across multiple regions.
  • 通过接收质量POS提高报价的获胜率和合同履约的准确性,并从型号N通道数据管理云POP数据。亚愽申请
  • Improve deal conversion rates and protect transaction margin by increasing visibility into global demand and managing quoting, opportunity tracking, and contract compliance processes, including granular approval processes.

亚愽申请型号Nhelps you automate delivering advanced customer and quote analysis, and eliminating price erosion caused by internal bid wars and contract non-compliance.


  • The only solution supporting the end-to-end High Tech revenue management process, including quotes, contracts, opportunity, order conversion, samples and more.
  • 赋权渠道合作伙伴自助服务功能,可以轻松地进行交易,如登记,特殊定价请求,报价,从而加速处理周期。
  • 衡量的报价,并根据实际的承诺,合同履约,分级定价协议,并准确POS匹配。


“Our company is dependent on the Model N solution... We use the data to help plan and drive our business.”

Todd Reimund


“Model N has become a true value to the individual sales person. It helps them do their job faster, better, more efficiently, and more effectively. They like it, and that’s really significant.”

Mitch Little


“Model N allowed us to raise the bar in how we respond to customers, made us more effective in the way we respond to customers, made us more capable in the way we price, and to avoid any errors we might make.”



The Power of Model N Deal Management, Customized for Your Industry

亚愽申请型号NDeal Management customized to your industry means that you have a solution that is easy for users to implement and use on a daily basis. Model N understands that each industry has unique terminology, processes, conventions, and even entire business models. By building this uniqueness into our solutions you are able to execute more quickly, reduce the customizations and integrations necessary, and achieve a faster return on investment.

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交易情报delivers real-time intelligence to Sales reps and/or approvers at the time of contract and quote creation. Your team can now get a deal score and easily compare the deal at hand across customers, products, markets, channels to be in the driver’s seat at negotiation time.

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