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The Growing Revenue Execution Crisis

It is harder than ever to know and grow your true top line. Digital disruption has caused an explosion of complexity.

On the one side, your true top line is obscured by exposure, liabilities, and the risk of commercial and government penalties.

On the other side, you may be leaking revenue or leaving money on the table.

Model N Revenue Execution Cloud integrates with and extends your ERP and CRM systems, giving you the visibility, certainty and automation you need across your entire revenue execution workflow so you can maximize profitable revenue.


What Can Model N Revenue Execution Cloud
Do for Your Company?

Model N’s end-to-end platform eliminates revenue leakage, captures hidden
revenue, and ensures regulatory compliance to grow your true top line.


Maximize Every Revenue Moment

  • Eliminate silos: interlinks every aspect of every commercial transaction, internally and across channels
  • Always know where you stand: visibility into every transaction — and its downstream impact
  • Avoid risk of non-compliance: real-time pricing to give the right price to the right customer the first time

Scale to Infinite Possibilities

  • The sky’s the limit: new levels of freedom and creativity for pricing and incentive options
  • Robust transaction engine: built for organizations with massive complexity across their revenue execution process
  • Road tested for size and strength: proven with hundreds of the world’s largest companies, processing billions of transactions

Change at Speed

  • Configurable to your business and processes: support existing or emerging business models
  • Updates in minutes, not months: business users make new pricing rules without IT
  • Never miss a regulatory change: automatically keeps you current with ever-changing regulatory conditions and market dynamics

Maximizing Revenue for Leading Companies
in Life Sciences and High Tech

Hundreds of the world’s largest companies in life sciences and high tech trust Model N to process billions of transactions
every day because of our deep domain expertise in key vertical markets. Model N Revenue Execution Cloud is purpose-built
for your industry. Our customers also benefit from deep engagement with industry peers at all levels in our customer
communities, so you learn from the best practices of companies just like you.


Proven with 24 of 25 top pharma companies processing billions of Rx, Medicaid, direct and chargeback transactions


Keep pace with emerging business models and ever-changing regulatory conditions

High Tech Manufacturing

Eliminate overpayments and drastically reduce quote turnaround time

Semiconductors & ECMs

Get a continuous, single version of revenue truth across channels

See All Industries

Trusted by


in channel compliance

“We now have an effective and measurable way to manage the channel. Model N’s CDM solution made us much more proactive in our approach to working with our partners.”

— Ron Ryan, SVP of Global Channels, Cambium Networks


global visibility of contracts and pricing on one system

“Model N are customer focused, they’re passionate about what they do, they like to think forward about possible future solutions, and they have provided excellent service.”

— Madalina Preda, Global Pricing Manager, Corning Life Sciences

View all case studies
2020 State of Revenue Report

The 2020 State of Revenue Report details how revenue management challenges are having a serious impact on the business success of high tech, semiconductor, medtech, and pharmaceutical companies.

Download the report to find answers to these questions and more:

  • What revenue challenges are modern executives struggling with?
  • What could they be doing better?
  • How could technology improve revenue management?


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Model N Announces Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2020 Financial Results

SAN MATEO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Model N, Inc. (NYSE: MODN), the leading provider of cloud revenue management solutions for ...

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2020 State of Revenue for Life Sciences

Join us for this on-demand webinar to learn key findings from pharma and medtech executives surveyed on the state of revenue for life sciences in 2020.

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2020 State of Revenue for High Tech

Join us for this on-demand webinar to learn key findings from high tech executives surveyed on the state of revenue for high tech in 2020.

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Know and Grow Your True Top Line

Maximize Every Revenue Moment

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